Question 2 Campaign Updates To Be Held Monday
Wendy Ireland, MHHA Ex. Director
October 4, 2011
Scarborough Downs and Ocean Properties would like to invite you to a campaign update Session on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 6pm. Simultaneous events will be held in Bangor at 543 Broadway and in Biddeford at 140 Main Street. We will be serving pizza and soda. This is a chance to get updated and get answers to any questions you may have. We are also looking for any input or ideas that you would like to share and any intel you may be getting from neighbors, friends, industry people.

We will have yard signs available as well as printed literature. We need everyone on board on this campaign and truly appreciate all the efforts that have been made by many to date. Please RSVP to : and indicate which location you will be attending.